Your route to the Buchwiese Lodge

  • The blue marker shows the location of the lodge. To the left is a meadow, the "Buchwiese".
  • By pressing the + and - characters the scale can be changed.
  • In case of doubt, drive to Goslar which lies at the northern foot of the Harz Mountains. (Especially when there's snow on the roads it's better to drive via Goslar)
    Follow the B241 (Name of the road) in the direction of Clausthal-Zellerfeld, then turn right in the direction of Hahnenklee-Bockswiese.
    Drive via Bockswiese and then turn right in the direction of Hahnenklee (dead end).
  • In Hahnenklee follow the main road (Parkstraße, see the map on the left)
  • At the uphill part of the Parkstraße drive to the right into the Hedwigstraße.
    At the end of the street turn right and immediately left into the Langeliethstraße.
    Drive straight down the cul de sac and directly onto our yard.
  • Here's a link to the Google route planner.
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